Photograph of Jinnah by Ali Bahadur Habibullah, 1930s

  Then when I had gone to Matheran [a hillstation near Bombay] once and he'd been very ill and he [Jinnah] was there recuperating.

I went to see him and I wished then, I had one of these tape-recorders. He was so human. He was telling me about how - and Miss Jinnah was there with him, she was always with him - and we were sitting there and he said "you know when I first came to Matheran, I came up here and I rang up and said I wanted a room in the hotel and the man who owned it was absolutely in a state of terrible anxiety and said ' you know it is very difficult, I mean we can't give you a room in the main hotel.' "

He was laughing and he was saying, it is because the English wouldn't want him [Jinnah] there, you see. So he says 'I can give you room in the cottages' and he was very confident to do that. But he was relating this with absolutely, you know, without any kind of anger or making fun or anything. Tremendous humor when he was narrating the story.


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Image © The Literary Estate of Attia Hosain (LEAH)
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