Young Historian  2007 Winning Entry - St Wilfrid's School

 Backdrop based on artists impression of gateway at Harappa, by HARP

A cross-curricular project:The Amazing Indus Valley- a Musical Extravaganza!

The children presented an end of term musical show for parents, and school, based on an extended cross curricular project. The entry included; a video of the performance, the script with stage directions, its powerpoint show, song texts, and photos of the show, painted backdrops and model artefacts.

The panel felt this approach to a history topic had offered a high quality experience enjoyed by these Year 4 pupils. The entry had a few examples of how children had made inferences from their research. This was implicit in the quality of their beautifully observed models, and information incorporated in the songs.
The project extended the topic across many areas of the curriculum in a meaningful way. This gave it the status, fun and creativity it deserves. The children's presentation, collaboration, organisation, verbal and musical delivery, and the amount of information they put over was impressive.

The backdrop is based on an artist impression of a Gateway, Harappa, HARP- Mousover text for feedback!