Rajah Jowahir Singh, and Attendants
After W. Carpenter, Jun.

Illustrated London News

May 22nd, 1858

"Rajah Jowahir Singh is the son of Dhyan Singh, chief favourtie of Runjeet Singh when at the height of his power. Dhyan Singh was the eldest of three brothers, and on the death of Runjeet was involved in all the bloody intrigues which ended in the country falling into our hands, not, however, before he and several of his family had fallen victim to mutual treachery. The most bloodthirsty and unscrupulous of all, the second brother, Gholab Singh, then reaped the fruits which the crimes of the others had placed within his grasp. By possesing himself of his murdered brothers' treasure he was enabled to buy the country of Cashmere of the East India Company when Lord Hardinge was Governor-General. He then allowed the son of Dhyan Singh a small jageer in the hill country adjoining the Punjaub, and, on his raising troops and endeavouring to render himself independent, a contest arose which ended in the weaker party being driven away and forced to hide his diminished head in Lahore, where he lives on the poor remnants of his father's fortune saved from the grasp of his tyrannical uncle.
"Anyone wishing for an insight into Indian life from the pen of one well able both from experience and talent to depict it will be fully repaid by the perusal of 'Adventures of an Officer in the Service of Runjeet Singh,' by the late Sir Henry Lawrence. It contains an interesting narrative of the fortunes of these Dogra Rajput brothers, and their master, Runjeet Singh."


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