The City of Delhi Before the Siege

The Illustrated London News

January 16, 1858

[Original also has tiny numbers for 31 locations in the city.]
1. The Jumna.
2. Offshoot of the Jumna.
3. Pontoon Bridge.
4. Selimghur, an ancient fort..
5. Palace and gardens.
6. Offshoot of the Jumna.
7. Main street of Delhi, Chandni Chauk.
8. Canal-street.
9. The Banking-house.
10. The Jumna Masjid.
11. The Sadoola Khan.
12. The Musjid Fetipore.
13. Negumbad Gate.
14. Cashmere Gate.
15. Moree Gate.
16. Kabul Gate and Water Gate.
17. The Canal.
18. Lahore Gate.
19. Hindoo College.
20. Ajmere Gate.
21. Turkoman Gate.
22. Delhi Gate.
23. Goal.
24. Lunatic Asylum.
25. English Church.
26. Magazine and Store Houses.
27. Skinner's House.
28. Custom House.
29. Martello Towers.
30. Kotub Minar.
31. Ruins of Ancient Delhi.


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