
1Ancient Indus Valley Cart Kit$15
Shipping $4

The Indus Civilization
Cart Kit

by Ilona Aronovsky

A step-by-step guide to making an ancient Indus Valley ox cart out of clay. With a dozen related activities and teacher's notes, templates and modelling instructions, numerous artefact illustrations and diagrams. (Does not include parts.)

HEC History Educational Consultancy, London, 1999
Indus Cart Kit Front Cover

Indus cart (Template B)
© Cambridge University Art Museum
1 Templates (2 styles)
2 Cart Making Instructions
3 Activities (Word Match 1, Mystery Object, Test the Cart, Test Modern Vehicles, Cart Experiment, Modern Vehicles, Design Evaluation, Design Brief, Cart Estimation, Reconstruct a Life-size cart, Transport Investigation, Word Match 2, The Cart Energy Cycle, Draw a Flow Chart, Word Match 3)
4 Teacher's Notes
5 Illustrations (Templates, 25 diagrams and artefacts, animal figurines actual size)

US Edition ISBN 1 903180 01 5
UK Edition ISBN 1 903180 00 7

In addition to secure order form for US and other orders, available in UK edition available in UK/Europe from HEC. Please email HEC giving name/institution, address, fax or phone, requesting invoice or order form.

Shipping & Handling: $3 US, $5 other.

Cart made from kit (Template A)

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